Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Graphene Oxide Organic Nanofluids on Swirling Impinging Jet Thermal Performance
Organic nanofluid; Jet impingement; Heat transfer enhancement; Swirl flowAbstract
Nanofluids have gained a lot of attention from researchers in recent decades due to the growing need in industrial applications. Throughout the years, graphene nanoparticles have been widely studied owning to its wide range of engineering applications and numerous advantages. Graphene-based nanoparticles are considered favorable nanoparticles in nanofluid production for cooling devices, because it possessed high thermal conductivity, high stability when dispersed in base fluid, low corrosion rate and low erosion been reported, and it also have higher carrier mobility. This paper numerically investigated the heat transfer enhancement of graphene oxide (GO) in both water and ethylene glycol as base fluids in jet impingement cooling over a heated plate. The swirling effects on the graphene oxide nanofluid was also investigated at three different volumetric concentrations which is at 1, 3 and 5 vol%. Each of the condition are investigated with Reynolds number ranging from 5000-20000. The validation of the data collected shows strong agreement with the past reported studies. The results obtained shows that swirling impinging jet (SIJ) have better heat transfer performance compared to conventional impinging jet (CIJ) at similar operating condition. At the same operating condition, the GO-ethylene glycol nanofluid shows higher Nusselt number than GO-water nanofluid. For all the conditions investigated, nanofluid performed better than base fluids alone.